Launching a startup during pandemic. PART 2.

3 min readOct 23, 2020

So on the last part we spoke what it takes to launch startup during pandemic and in this segment we will dive deeper into more details.

So the thing is obvious right? Launching is the easiest part. Of course we are not saying it’s easy to prepare for launch, it’s not easy to put your company in this position to be ready for launch, but the real face shows when you don’t have many customers, when investors are turning you down, when motivation is not that high as it was before.

In our part we were doing launching as quiet as possible, because of the reason that we serve both business and user base and we wanted to pick all the bugs as fast as possible, and to be able to serve our close friends and the people who was working on project sounded like a good idea.

Quiet launch. That’s the strategy we decided to take. No PR bullshit, little to no social media, we wanted to get as much possible feedback as possible and at the same time we wanted to implement this feedback straight to our customers hands, because what we experienced is that people are unpredictable.

Some of them tend to expect that on the first version application should be on perfect condition and without any bugs and it should work perfectly.

The other type of people are expecting first version to be like a total mess and that’s totally acceptable for them.

To think about it from the side it looks logical that nobody ever launched perfect version, perfect doesn’t even exist. Sorry to break down it to you. You can aim for perfect by working and listening to your customers and implementing the feedback. That’s our goal actually.

So for the first three months we were doing plenty of user interviews daily. We were following this :

And obviously we are still are.

Long/short interviews and surveys are working the best, especially interviews because then you get a chance to get personal and get EXACT FEEDBACK YOU NEED TO GET.

And to this day we feel that we are doing not enough of them, because the PEOPLE are the ones that will move the needle for us. We have to listen to every word of theirs, because nothing is more valuable than them.

I could honestly say that I thought for short time that customer acquisition will be easier than it actually is.

IT’S NOT. It’s hard as hell to acquire users. One thing is acquiring them and another thing is keeping them. Acquiring is not THAT hard, but to make sure users receive value from your product is the hardest part.

But we’re working on it. Daily. Of course it’s challenging. But we do not expect every to come easy. Creating value for someone else requires a lot of work. And we’re up for challenge.

Autumn so far has been challenging in many ways. We are all aware of the situation that is happening in the world. But there’s no time to complain. We have to adjust as a unit. Adjust and react.

In the upcoming 3rd part we will dive more into the numbers we have and what we expected in the 3rd quarter of 2020. And what is projections for 2021.

If you still haven’t tried Whoond application, what are you waiting for?

Every feedback means world to us. Seriously.

App store:

Google play :

If you think we could implement one feature that would change your daily life you can shoot as an email at : ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

Part 3 is coming. Soon.


